March 29, 2009

I am so happy to report that our family walked in the 3rd Annual National Walk for Epilepsy yesterday. It was raining, but not as cold as I had expected, so I am thankful for that. We got downtown in enough time to get our Starbucks and see some of the tents they had set up before the Walk. It was a great day! Our team raised $2,490! We had 24 people in total walk! Next year, I hope to double the money raised and the people walking with us! Kenzie did great, she rode in her stroller the entire walk. Last year Wayne had to carry her on his shoulders. She had so much fun with all the people there. Our team got a picture with Alan Faneca, from the New York Jets. He has had Epilepsy since he was 15. Here is a link for his story on the Epilepsy Foundation website:
He is a true inspiration and a supper nice guy! After the walk we all went and had lunch. All in all it was a great day!! I will upload the photos as soon as I can!

Kenzie is doing ok. She had a total of 25 seizures yesterday, but I guess that was because she got up early and it was a long day. She is averaging about 15 seizures a day still. We have an appt with her Neuro on Monday the 6th. Her behavior has not been all that fun. She is moody and angry a lot lately. I think it has a lot to do with the meds. Another issue for the Neuro on the 6th.

The boys are doing well. Corey got on the baseball team he wanted to get on! He is so excited about that. I think he will have a GREAT season!! Ryan got on the team he wanted as well and is doing well! His flag football team is rocking! The are 2-0 now! So cool!

I will blog after Kenzie's appt, hopefully with so much more info!