May 9, 2009

I have posted some pictures of Kenzie riding on her horse Comet! She is a big girl now. She rides in a saddle and sometimes she will ride side saddle! She loves riding!

May 3, 2009

We had our appt with the neuro. We have up her Lamictal to 75mg in the am & 100mg in the pm. Topamax is the same. We haven't noticed any change in her seizures. She is still averaging 15 a day, atonic seizures only. I have to make the call to her neuro to give her an update on Kenzie. I'm sure we will up it 100mg both am & pm. Her neuro said that we would be at our max then and we would have to start looking at other drugs. We only have 2 other drugs to try and then we are looking at the ketogenic diet or VNS. We will see what happens.

Kenzie is still doing here therapeutic horseback riding and loving it!! She is starting to ride a horse now named Comet. Kenzie does so good with Comet and she is such a good horse. Kenzie rides in a saddle and hold the reins (sometimes). She sits up much better than she did before!

This is a link to a our story that was told by myself at the National Walk for Epilepsy:

At the walk they had a station for you to tell a little bit about your story. I hope you enjoy it!

We will be having her IEP for her placement for Kindergarten soon. I have no date yet, but we are still praying she stays at Keene Mill, the school she is at now. We are very happy with the principal and the staff is very much aware of all of Kenzie's 'stuff'.

Corey is doing really well on his baseball team. He had his first strike out of the season on Saturday. He was upset with himself, but he played such a great game and had already had a good at bat earlier in the game. I'm so proud of him! This season is HIS season, he is shinning!! He plays 3rd base and caught an awesome fly ball on Saturday! It's so great to see him do so well and truly enjoy himself!

Ryan is doing good too! He hasn't been doing as well as he usually does, but he is doing good. He says he would rather quit baseball & wrestle all year long. BUT, his team is undefeated this season!! His flag football team is undefeated as well! Maybe he's just bored with it. He honestly needs constant motion. When he's playing catcher he's all over it! Oh well, season will be over in about a month. Then it's time to prepare for football season, which pleases him! Such a funny kid!

That's about it for now! Till next time!!!