March 15, 2009

I offically have a teenager! Corey turned 13 on Monday! WOW! He has baseball tryouts next Sunday, it was today, but got rained out. Ryan has started his practice for baseball and flag football! Crazy I know, but I am confident that we can handle (Ryan too) 2 sports at the same time!

Kenzie is doing good! She is still having atonic seizures and now is having myoclonic seizures. We are averaging about 10 a day between the 2 types of seizures. It honestly seems to be a pattern, this is how it all started last year. She started having atonic seizures in late January and started the myoclonic in February, March. Hopefully, with her being on different meds than last year and with us upping the meds gradually maybe we can stop the pattern, before we hit the tonic-clonics.

She will start her second session of therapeutic horse back riding this Thursday. She loves it! She is doing so well! Kenzie knows when we make the turn from the main road to the stables, she starts 'calling' her horse and smacking her leg! When Dixie comes out into the ring and the helper comes to bring her to Dixie she starts 'running' to her. It's really great to see her so excited about this. I thinks it's really helping her. She tries to communicate more with us, and makes a lot of little noises.

We went to her re-eval and she has been given a label. The label for her now is OHI, Other Health Impairment and MR, Mental Retard. It was really hard to hear MR. I know it doesn't change anything, she is the same little princess we all love, but for someone saying your child is MR, is a tough pill to swallow. According to the social worker at her school this will get her more services through the state and more options for schools too! I don't think she will go to our home school, I am hoping she will go to the same school she is at now. They already know her and love her, even the principal is under her spell! But, she will obviously be in a different classroom. We will be able to visit the schools with MR programs before we comment to anything. Although, that will not be til the end of the school year. I'm just a little nervous about the change for her.

March 28th is the 3rd annual National Walk for Epilepsy! I hope all of you will join us in the walk! Go to, search for Team New Hope! If you can't walk, please consider supporting us!

Epilepsy Facts:
Over 3 million Americans have Epilepsy
200,000 new cases are diagnosed each year
45,000 of children under the age of 15 are diagnosed with Epilepsy each year
In 70% of new cases no cause is apparent