May 16, 2008

So Kenzie is now on both Lamictal 5mg daily (2.5mg tabs 2x daily) and the Depakene 8cc 2x daily. We are praying this will work for her! Her neuro wants to increase her dose every 2 weeks, because of the possibility of developing a rash! (which increase when you taking these 2 meds together) He said it will take 2 months to really get an idea if the Lamictal is working or not! Her neuro also told us what next 2 drugs he wants to try then the Ketogenic Diet will be put into play, and if all that doesn't work we are looking at VNS! (Vagus Nerve Surgery) WOW! It was a lot to take in on Monday but, I know it will all be ok! All I keep thinking about is the verse Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I know God is with us in all of this! He will not give us anymore than He knows we can handle! Although, I have to say there are days I really think God's got us confused with some other family!

We are well into baseball season! I know the boys wish the rain would stop long enough to play a game! It seems like forever since their last game! I was able to talk Wayne out of be a coach (manager, board of directors, league director, etc) this year! It's been really nice to have him with Kenzie and I in the stands! This is Corey's last year in the league, he will go up to Babe Ruth next year! Doesn't seem like I should have a rising 7th grader! Ryan is playing AA this year! I can't believe how big all the kids are getting! What a blessing all three of them are! Corey & Ryan are such good big brothers!


byeager said...

Grandma & PaPa love you Kenzie, our darling little angel.